Email Marketing Done Right!

Email Marketing done right

Email marketing has no perfect formula, some tricks and tips, and observations that help each business grow. This help brings back some positive feedback no matter what’s the audiences’ niche.

Email marketing is the king in getting known in the market. Even without an email marketing campaign, a business can grow but it doesn’t make your brand name spread fast and grow quickly.

Have you ever noticed the subscriptions and newsletters you have subscribed to? How do they look like and what lures you to them? What makes you keep reading them?

There few ways to keep readers hooked and firstly, to catch their attention. Below we are sharing few methods that have allowed us to gain some attention.


  1. It is always about First Impression. The first email should be right!

 The emails need to be engaging. Only if your subscribers open the newsletters/offers and then forget about it, is email marketing gone undone. The first email is the one that is most opened (not 100%), it brings attention due to a new name in the inbox or anything else. But then, it is important to know this is your chance to put brief introduction about yourself and what you have to offer.


Ingredients for your email

  • Introduction of yourself and why they should subscribe to your services. Mentioning more about your pros and experience turns on the positive light, and make approach


  • A link in the email about some offer. To entice the readers, you need to throw some leg out there. Attach a link to some offer flashing on your website, free service, consultation, etc. This should definitely get their clicking click.


  • Contact information should be given out. All the new subscribers should be given a link to various pages of your brand or company contact person so that they know you are always within reach. This also gives them the opportunity to check out your credibility and really see your work.


  • A glimpse of what to expect in next email. It is always better to warn ahead if you are going to send some offer or discount offer next time. Also, to let them how often they can expect you to close off the email.


Simple and concise email with all the important aspects – trust, value, and transparency. When you offer three more sort things, the chances of getting a click is very likely.


  1. Follow Up Sequence

Before you go ahead with email marketing campaign, make sure to have a bank of follow up emails. This helps in not only replying to the new subscribers, their doubts, etc but also, remind the ones who missed you during your first email.

The magic of today’s technology is you can automate or schedule your emails to be sent out. You can be on your vacation and still have your campaign running.

For such flawless working, you need to have, at least, 10 emails in the bank to have a proper flow of marketing. You can always ask their current requirement (call to action) or direct them towards some old post that redirects their interest.


  1. Maintain an offer ratio

Ever noticed that every newsletter you have subscribed to you send offers in every email, only makes you cringe and unsubscribe in superfast motion. To increase your subscriptions, this is what you shouldn’t do.

What you should work on to see how well your readers respond to offers send to them. After emailing them about some new work progress or updates, then divert them towards some blog with an offer. The in a later week send an email with direct offer link. Observe how the response is.

Every email flashing offers just gets a bit too much tacky to handle. Subtlety is a way to go and know your readers’ click behaviour best.




  • Don’t keep a very long email. Keep it crisp, to the point, and word limit shouldn’t be like a blog. But less than 300 words for any business format. Straight words and precise knowledge about your work.


  • Study the response you receive from your email marketing. It will only help you understand your readers better. Further help you plan next steps with more behavioural inputs.


  • There can be times when you can get better reviews from your audience. Try to put a link to a page of Review Us and ask them to leave their opinions.


  • Even if the first campaign fails, there’s a lesson to learn from it. Know and then plan ahead. Success in first few steps is not guaranteed but learning is.


Follow the steps precisely and see the conversion numbers turn. Every strategy is different and these basics help you design your own marketing strategy.

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